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Wellness Support Program

​The Wellness Support Program is a trauma-informed program with two service areas:

Support Groups

Mental Health Circles

Our Support Group is a psychoeducational program designed to empower women through tailored programming that encourages and
equips individuals with skills and knowledge to navigate cultural differences and
norms and gain confidence in their ability to achieve personal goals. It provides a sense of community and support during what can be a stressful and isolating process of resettlement. Support Groups engage women in skills development, social connectedness, educational and economic opportunities, and tailored events. We create and provide a safe, welcoming, and nurturing environment for women to receive peer and professional support.

Refugee Empowerment and Access through Cognitive Healing.


R.E.A.C.H. is a therapist-led cultural-adaptive group that helps women develop coping skills and a framework to identify trauma and its effects. Women receive professional and peer support in a safe, confidential, and nurturing environment for six sessions. The program also acts as a gateway to private, individual counseling with certified therapists.

How can you help?

Lift up the women attending our support groups and help them find hope and healing.
If you are interested in sponsoring our Wellness Support Program,
please contact Florence Ackey, Executive Director, at






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P.O. Box 2792

Riverview, FL 33568

Phone: (727)900-5292

نحن نتشارك أعباء بعضنا البعض ، ونضاعف فرح بعضنا البعض ونوسع أذهاننا معًا من خلال التجربة والفكر المشتركين.

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© 2021 مبادرة نساء اللاجئات والمهاجرات.

يمكن الحصول على نسخة من التسجيل الرسمي والمعلومات المالية من قسم خدمات المستهلك عن طريق الاتصال برسوم التعرفة داخل الولاية. التسجيل لا يعني المصادقة أو الموافقة أو التوصية من قبل الدولة. الرقم المجاني لـ FDACS هو 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352) أو قم بزيارة راموي CH # 65688.  

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