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RAMWI has had the pleasure of working with many refugees, volunteers, and organizations over the years. We are grateful for their efforts, and understand that our work would not be possible without their support and commitment.

"Our CWS case manager, Kholoud Hamadeh, will always be grateful for the support and the outreach connections she made through RAMWI. "

- Church World Service

"Being an immigrant myself, I see these ladies as my own people. I am very happy with my role of being a translator for the Arabic-speaking families, providing transportation, and taking them to doctor appointments."

-Wafa Chami

Volunteer since 2014 from Homs, Syria

“This is the first time since I came to America that I am feeling like I'm with a family and my people.”


Mother of 4 from Aleppo, Syria

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"We do not yet have the words [in English] to tell you how much we are thankful for all you do for us."


Mother of 4 from Somalia

“I like sewing because being together makes me feel calm and happy. It makes me feel good because I forget about the bad things that happened before, and I feel at home with my sewing family.”

-Uwera N.

Mother of 8 from Masisi, Congo


"Even if the candle is broken, it still lights up because its holding on to life"

-Healing Circle Participant

"When I started working with the children I realized that to help women, you must also offer resources to their children. I love working with them and I truly try my hardest to give them the support I needed when I was a child... My experience working with RAMWI will certainly be carried with me wherever I go!"
-Valentina Acosta-Moreno
Child Programming Volunteer
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P.O. Box 2792

Riverview, FL 33568

Phone: (727)900-5292

نحن نتشارك أعباء بعضنا البعض ، ونضاعف فرح بعضنا البعض ونوسع أذهاننا معًا من خلال التجربة والفكر المشتركين.

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RAMWI لا تشارك بريدك الإلكتروني أبدًا مع أي شخص.

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© 2021 مبادرة نساء اللاجئات والمهاجرات.

يمكن الحصول على نسخة من التسجيل الرسمي والمعلومات المالية من قسم خدمات المستهلك عن طريق الاتصال برسوم التعرفة داخل الولاية. التسجيل لا يعني المصادقة أو الموافقة أو التوصية من قبل الدولة. الرقم المجاني لـ FDACS هو 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352) أو قم بزيارة راموي CH # 65688.  

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